Category: Dimension

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Width Utilities

Width utilities control the width (inline-size) of elements.

Unlike most frameworks, width utilities are not mapped to percentages in ACSS. Rather, they’re a calculation based on your website’s Content Width. This is much more useful, since percentages cause complications with the responsive size of elements.

10-90 Width Classes (New)

The syntax for width classes is .width--[value] with the value being 10-90 in increments of 10.

The output for these width classes is:

calc(var(--content-width) * .2)
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

As mentioned previously, this results in a fixed width calculation rather than a percent value. Since the .width-- classes also set a max-inline size of 100%, they’re automatically responsive and won’t create overflow issues.

XS-XXL Width Classes (Old)

Prior to v3.0, .width– classes followed our traditional t-shirt size syntax of XS-XXL.

For example, .width--l or .width--s.

These classes still exist in the framework and are still valid. We haven’t put them behind a deprecation flag because they contribute hardly anything to the overall stylesheet.

Special Width Classes

ACSS contains the following special width classes that exist outside of the above syntaxes.

  • .content-width and var(--content-width). These match the content width of your website.
  • .content-width--safe and var(--content-width-safe). These “safe content width” utilities establish content width along with a virtual gutter.
  • .width--full is for setting an element to 100% width.

Width Variables

All of the above utilities are available as variables using the syntax var(--width-[value]).