Category: Mixins

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Heading & Text Style Mixins

Note: Functions and mixins are designed for use in the Custom SCSS area of the Automatic.css dashboard. They will not work in the builder inputs or builder CSS.

Note: Mixins only work within the custom SCSS area of the ACSS dashboard.

Heading Styles

You can apply any heading level’s global styles to a custom selector using @heading-style();

.custom-heading {
  @include heading-style(h2);
Code language: PHP (php)

This will attach all global heading styles as well as any styles specific to the heading level you reference, but will not output any properties that have a null value.

Text Styles

You can apply any text level’s global styles to a custom selector using @text-style();

.custom-text {
  @include text-style(l);
Code language: PHP (php)

This will attach all global text styles as well as any styles specific to the text level you reference, but will not output any properties that have a null value.