Want to know more about where Automatic.css is headed? Here's our official roadmap. We don't list *everything* here, but it's a solid glimpse of what's to come.
Want to know more about where Automatic.css is headed? Here's our official roadmap. We don't list *everything* here, but it's a solid glimpse of what's to come.
We plan to enhance Auto-BEM for a more efficient workflow and powerful new options.
A brand new, Svelte-powered context menu experience.
The first official framework for card styling ever devised in CSS.
Support for custom textures and overlays.
ACSS should be able to style any raw form element, giving us the power to integrate with any form system that allows the user to deactivate default styling. This is the vision for our complete refactoring of the form styling infrastructure.
Integration of ACSS builder enhancements.
An easy and maintainable way to control icon styling across a website.
The simplest and easiest approach to custom inverted radii on the internet.