Keep track of what's new with ACSS! For details on specific features and utilities, please check the official documentation.
- November 22, 2024
Guess what? We’re on pace to have a completely clear issue tracker by mid-December. That means ZERO tracked issues. Once that happens, keep an eye out for a blog post detailing our ACSS team mantra for 2025.
"Auto Container Query" support for Card Framework
The Card Framework is now supercharged with our automatic and innovative approach to container query support.
Card Container Query Recipe
Card Container Query Mixin
Refactor: Light/Dark style management for form styling
Internal improvement.
Converted old properties to logic properties for form styling
Update to follow standards.
Refactor: Contain classes
- Added option to turn on/off container query classes.
Fix instant preview sometimes only targeting the first instance of an element
- November 19, 2024
Hotfix for shade saving action
A seemingly unrelated change to value reversion was affecting the saving of shades. This is now fixed.
- November 19, 2024
General dashboard stability improvements
More small dashboard stability improvements.
Use button styles on Fluent Forms radio elements
Fluent Forms allows users to turn radio elements into buttons. ACSS now supports the use of ACSS button styles in this context.
Fix media targeting in Card Framework
The Card Framework was targeting card media elements improperly, causing media wrappers and other media related elements to receive targeting also. This is now fixed.
Fixed external link arrow indicator on iOS devices
Users should reset the external link indicator HTML entity code to the new default value in the dashboard to apply this fix.
Potential fix for centering classes in Oxygen
Make sure you read this: Oxygen Notice.
- November 15, 2024
Small update to address the lingering “save changes” notice. Expect one more minor release early next week to fix a small dashboard pinning position glitch. With the complete refactoring of pinning, we’re having to go back through and handle the same edge cases with various builders and contexts as we did with the initial dashboard release.
Fix the browser-triggered save changes notice when changes are already saved.
.center--self classes no longer apply any flex properties other than align-self: center
- November 15, 2024
This is a hot fix to address a few back-end issues mostly related to live preview and dashboard logic. None of the reported 3.2 issues affect front-end / visitor experience.
Allow updating of plugin via wp-cli
You can now update the plugin via wp-cli.
Load live preview code only when needed.
Live preview code was persisting, causing some discrepancies between back-end preview and front-end reality.
Fix setting change indication behavior
The setting dot was not properly indicating and was triggering a “you have unsaved changes” message. We’ve also increased the size of the indicator, added an outline for when changes need to be saved (for better accessibility), and tweaked indication colors to pass contrast checks.
Fix for input display logic based on toggles that hide inputs
This was a JSON duplicate ID issue causing the logic to not work. All fields were displayed at all times rather than responding to options toggles. Nothing critical, but annoying.
Fix for input value quote wrapping
Some input values need to be wrapped in quotes and weren’t being wrapped properly. This is now fixed.
Forms: Fix Bricks form message margin
Set default icon sizes in Icon Framework
Defaults were all the same – they’re now set properly.
Remove isolation-isolate from Card Framework
This was causing issues with modals fired from inside cards.