Keep track of what's new with ACSS! For details on specific features and utilities, please check the official documentation.
- February 6, 2025
Dashboard loading in Gutenberg
We fixed an issue loading the dashboard in Gutenberg, when this is not operating in “iframe mode”
- February 6, 2025
PHP warning for missing color scheme switcher component (in builder)
This is a hotfix release to address a vite bundling issue that failed to include the file for the in-builder color scheme switcher component (with subsequent php warning about the missing file). No changes were made to the color scheme component, so it wasn’t part of routine testing – this was more of a weird hiccup in the bundling pipeline that is now patched.
- February 5, 2025
Note: One enhancement below is marked as “check for unforeseen/unintended consequences” for a small percentage of users. Please review that enhancement before updating and avoid bulk updating until you’ve confirmed that it is not a change that impacts your typical development workflow/practices.
Add Etch support
ACSS is now compatible with Etch’s canvas iframe.
Next-gen global SCSS/CSS processing
- Global CSS/SCSS now compiles instantly, on-the-fly, without the need for saving and pre-processing.
- You can mix vanilla CSS and SCSS without issue or limitation.
- You can now use internal ACSS SCSS variables and they will receive updated values from the dashboard instantly, without saving.
Icon Framework: Granular control over icon "theme"
Icons, or groups of icons, can now have their theme (dark/light) changed with a utility class or data attribute.
Icon Framework: Granular control over icon "style"
Icons, or groups of icons, can now have their style (boxed/naked) changed with a utility class or data attribute.
Icon Framework: Granular control over icon size
Icons, or groups of icons, can now have their size changed with a utility class or data attribute.
Detect Cloudflare errors during plugin activation
Load the color palette for all post types in Gutenberg
Separate button padding properties into block and inline for improved value handling
Instead of outputting
we now outputpadding-block
for button styling.Text area inputs don't calc/var parse anymore, allowing for fallback values for variables
You couldn’t use fallback values for variables in text area inputs because of the var/calc parsing. Now you can.
Improve handling of max-width property on text--{size} classes (Check for UC!)
This enhancement is flagged as “Check for Unintended/Unforeseen Consequences.” Depending on how you were using these classes, there may be unintended or unforeseen consequences of this update. These should be easily fixable on your end, but you should report them in the community.
Outputting the max-width value associated with text sizes was breaking the ability to use these classes on containers for the purposes of inheritance. We’ve now adjusted these to only output max-width when the class is directly attached to a text target element (p, li, blockquote, cite, span, etc.). If you use the class on a parent container for the purpose of inheritance, max-width won’t interfere.
Fix for header height for xs and xxl not appearing when activated
Fix "auto-fill" class in context menu
Fix the output of max-width for h1 styles
Normalize the max-width of blocks for all post types in Gutenberg
Fix add element badge layout due to latest Bricks changes
MANUAL: Change default link exclusion target to fix linked images getting indicated
Note: In order to receive this fix, you must go to Buttons & Links > Link Exclusions and reset the exclusions to default or manually remove the “>” before the “img” in the targeting.
Bricks structure panel collides with ACSS bubble
We’ve added some bottom padding to the Bricks structure panel so it clears the ACSS bubble when ACSS is closed.
- January 10, 2025
Bricks Enhancement: Improve CSS Authoring
Makes the CSS editor in Bricks a workable height and moves some rarely used fields that were positioned before it, to a position below it.
Bricks Enhancement: CSS-First Workflow
Moves the CSS tab in Bricks to the top of the list on the styling panel for users who prioritize custom CSS over segregated styling inputs.
Border Mixin
New border mixin for adding global border styles.
New .is-bg utility for instantly turning anything into a background.
Inverse Radius Framework
The simplest and easiest way to create inverted border radii in the world of CSS.
Forms: Render radios/checkboxes as buttons using global button styles
Fluent Forms and WS Forms enhancement only.
Set the flow style of auto-grids
Force even columns for auto grids
Re-name var(--card-link-hover-color)
This is a potential breaking change for custom card styles (but not likely).
Exclude buttons from auto-styling
“Exclude ‘.btn–‘ Selectors input added to Buttons > Options > Additional Options can be used to programmatically block default button styling from selected elements. Very useful if ACSS is affecting styling of 3rd party buttons.
Improved var() handling in dashboard inputs
You can now use classes with a double dash in exclusions without triggering var() wrapping.
WS Form: Temporary Fix for Select Arrow in new WS Form version
Logic fix for a few utilities when "remove deactivated classes" is on
A few utilities were getting removed incorrectly. This feature is still experimental and is waiting on expanded logic to cover all scenarios, but this fix will still improve things short term for at least one known user who experienced issues.
Fixed ACF font-size issue
ACF was having its font size manipulated by ACSS resulting in large fonts in certain ACF fields. This is fixed.
- December 18, 2024
Improve Bricks button UI dropdown logic
The logic for populating Bricks’ dropdown with available button styles needed improvement for existing ACSS sites. Previously enabled/disabled buttons would sometimes show in the dropdown as available options when not currently enabled. We’ve added a reset for checking the currently available styles on upgrade.