
Keep track of what's new with ACSS! For details on specific features and utilities, please check the official documentation.

  • November 9, 2023


    This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.

    • WordPress 6.4 compatibility

    • PHP 8.2 compatibility

      Updated the ScssPHP library to version 1.11.1

    • Add color palette to Cwicly

      All ACSS colors are now available in Cwicly’s color picker

    • Clickable parent no longer prevents editing text in Bricks

    • Flex-grid classes are no longer generated multiple times

    • Context menu correctly applies selection--alt class

    • Form fixes

      • Smart spacing is applied when radios or checkboxes are set to be displayed in grid
      • WS Form – Number field label inside with suffix / prefix
      • CSS specificity bug with WSForm select dropdown error condition
      • Bricks Form – checkboxes background color + position when text wraps
    • Added missing option-centering

    • Disable the context menu in Cwicly until fully supported

      The context menu for Cwicly isn’t fully supported yet, but it was loading anyway. We disabled it for the time being, to avoid any confusion. It will be available again soon

    • Header height settings now allow decimals

  • October 24, 2023


    This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.

    • Auto BEM fixes

      • Fix: visual bug when window changes width
      • Fix: BEM button not showing if bricks “duplicate” or “delete” buttons for the structure panel are not enabled
    • Color Scheme Switcher fixes

      • The Color Scheme Switcher now works properly when loading Cwicly both in the Post editor and in the Site Editor
      • The Color Scheme Switcher now loads correctly in the Bricks template area
    • Form fixes

      • Fix: Bricks forms – class chaining issues
      • Fix: Bricks – radio label colors being overwritten
      • Fix: WSForms – upload button now has separate style settings
      • Fix: WSForms – radio image wrong padding-inline-start
      • Fix: WSForms – text editor style issue
      • Fix: Fluent Forms – font inheritance issues
      • Fix: Fluent Forms – invisible checkbox
      • Fix: Fluent Forms – terms and Conditions checkbox and GDPR checkbox
      • Fix: Fluent Forms – btn hover opacity
      • Fix: add form button transition duration
      • Fix: Smart spacing on all checkboxes and radios
      • Fix: some defaults used –shade variables
    • Breakout on <figure>: margin now working correctly

    • Ribbon default shadow color now uses neutral instead of shade

    • Stop triggering calc expansion on certain css properties (grid-area etc.)

    • Add missing card-gap and grid classes in Context Menu

    • Fix: You do not have sufficient permissions to save the plugin settings

      The plugin will no longer cause a PHP fatal error when WordPress runs autoupdates and non-privileged users access the admin area

      PHP Fatal error: You do not have sufficient permissions to save the plugin settings | Automatic.css (

    • Fix: contextual colors are now in the Gutenberg palette

    • SASS/SCSS import path

      Users no longer have to import a bunch of random scss files to hook into ACSS. You can now use a single @import rule via our new Doorway file.

      @import 'plugins/automaticcss-plugin/assets/scss/helpers/doorway.scss';

      This is for users using Functions and Mixins.

    • Breakpoint values are now visible in the Header Height Dashboard

      When setting header heights, there was no reference value for your breakpoints. This required users to flip back and forth between the breakpoints tab, additional styles tab, and front-end. Now the breakpoint values are referenced in the heading heights tab for greater convenience.

    • S3 plugin compatibility

      The plugin is now compatible with the S3 uploads plugin from Human Made

    • Converted more Shade references to Neutral

  • October 2, 2023


    Version 2.7 of Automatic.css is likely the last major release prior to our 3.0 rebuild. We’re proud to ship Cwicly support, the long-awaited color-scheme (dark mode) functionality, and our brilliant new Auto-BEM functionality in this release. Make sure you read the full changelog as there have been important updates to many aspects of the framework and dashboard.

    • Hotfix: – Fixed an issue with a missing header height variable.
    • Hotfix:
    • Official Support for Cwicly (RC)

      We’re proud to announce official support for Cwicly. We wholeheartedly feel that Cwicly is currently the 2nd best page builder for WordPress and the #1 page builder in the Gutenberg environment. The Cwicly team has our full support and we look forward to helping them grow in whatever way we can.

      Currently Included

      • Full framework support (classes & variables)
      • Works in builder canvas and template areas
      • Auto-Load utility classes
      • Color Scheme support

      Coming Soon

      • Contextual menus
      • Live style preview
      • Variable expansion and validation in inputs
      • Auto-BEM

      We are considering this a “Release Candidate (RC)” integration. Cwicly users are encouraged to use this thoroughly and report any issues that arise so we can implement fixes immediately.

      How to setup ACSS with Cwicly

    • Color Scheme (Dark Mode +)

      Currently supports dual color scheme, but can be expanded in the future to support various other forms of color scheme, contrast scheme, etc.

      • Optional support for prefers-color-scheme
      • Granular control over which colors have alt-scheme
      • Granular control over hue/sat/lightness of every alt shade
      • Support for contextual colors.
      • Back-end preview toggle for all supported page builders
      • Front-end toggle component for Frames users
      • Front-end toggle element for Bricks users (Frames not required)
      • Color scheme API for users who want to create their own toggle
      • Includes .color-scheme--main and .color-scheme--alt for manually activating or deactivating color scheme changes on individual elements or element groups.

      More features and improvements to color scheme functionality will be made after the 3.0 rebuild is complete.

      Read the color scheme documentation.

    • Auto-BEM Functionality for Page Builders

      Auto-BEM revolutionizes the way users add custom classes in page builders. This feature automatically adds a custom class to a parent and all its children in two clicks using BEM methodology for proper organization and maintainability.

      The class names are derived from the element name in the structure panel, but can quickly and easily be overridden during the class creation process.

      That’s not all, though. Here’s a full list of features:

      • Applies BEM classes to a parent and all its children in two clicks
      • Double click will do the same thing while allowing you to skip the Auto-BEM panel
      • Customize the class name of any child from the Auto-BEM panel
      • Map class name changes to the structure panel if desired
      • Auto-detection of existing BEM classes with various handling options
      • Bulk rename BEM classes
      • “Create New & Remove Old” – Creates new BEM classes and removes the old ones from elements (includes option to copy styles to the new classes)
      • “Create New & Delete Old” – Creates new BEM classes and deletes the old ones from the database (includes option to copy styles to the new classes)
      • “Create New & Keep Old” – Creates new BEM classes and leaves the old ones in place (includes option to copy styles to the new classes)

      Official Auto-BEM documentation

      We will continue to build out the functionality of this feature. The next version will likely include the ability to copy styles from the ID as well.

    • Granular Feature Deprecation

      We’ve replaced the old “load deprecated styles” option with a new Deprecated tab, allowing users to choose precisely which deprecated styles they want to load.

    • "Neutral" Color Palette (Replaces "Shade" Palette)

      This change is primarily for semantic accuracy and to clear up confusion regarding the “shade” palette and “shades” attached to other colors. The “Shade” palette is now deprecated (available via the Deprecated tab). Users should continue using the Shade palette on old sites but switch to using the Neutral palette from now on.

    • Completely Refactored Buttons

      Buttons in ACSS have been wholly refactored for greater efficiency, customization, and theming capability.

      • Button code output has been reduced by a staggering 73.5%.
      • Every button property now uses locally scoped variables, allowing unprecedented granular style and theming capabilities.
      • New option for setting the default focus color of buttons.
      • New option for controlling button text decoration on hover.
      • New option for setting button transition duration.

      Read the button documentation for more details on changes to button variables. Some older button variables are now deprecated (they’ll still work, but stop using them).

    • Header Height Support for XL/XS Breakpoints

      Extra breakpoint support now extends to the --header-height variable and header-height features.

    • Scroll Offset Support for XL/XS Breakpoints

      Extra breakpoint support now extends to scroll offset features.

    • Radius Classes (Replace .rounded)

      .radius-- classes are replacing .rounded-- classes, which are now considered deprecated. This is another change for semantic accuracy and alignment with official naming conventions. All functionality remains the same.

    • List Spacing Variables

      Two new variables have been introduced that allow you to reference your website’s default list and list item spacing.

      • --list-spacing
      • --list-item-spacing
    • New Boxed Width Variable

      Similar to --content-width, the new --boxed-width variable allows users to reference the boxed width of their website when using boxed layout mode.

    • Global Link Style Exclusions

      You can now exclude the default global link style from specific areas of your website (such as the header or footer). A new textarea permits users to define custom scenarios for exclusion (e.g. “header a“). Multiple scenarios can be inserted with comma separation.

    • New Variable for Link Underline Offset

      We’ve introduced --link-underline-offset, which allows users to reference the offset value for their global link underline decoration. This makes it easy to design custom link styles while ensuring that your underline offset always matches your other links.

    • Deprecated .text-larger

      .text-larger was a utility we nearly instantly regretted after initially adding it. It’s not BEM compatible, and it creates a lot of unnecessary complications with builder ecosystem expansion. We have now officially deprecated .text-larger (though it remains accessible via the deprecated panel) and we recommend that users stop using it. If you’re in a situation where .text-larger might be used, consider using a BEM class or creating a custom text size for maximum scalability and maintainability.

    • Removed 1px Offset From All Breakpoints

      This offset was put in place at the beginning of development years ago to account for Oxygen’s improper use of breakpoint values in the builder. This offset makes no functional sense for a CSS framework and makes life more difficult for non-Oxygen users, so we’ve removed it.

    • Refactored Spacing

      • Code output for spacing modules reduced by 400+ lines.
      • Spacing now outputs variables instead of raw values.
    • Refactored Overlay Classes

      • Reduced code output by 1950+ lines (73% reduction).
    • Refactored all Text Classes

      • Reduced .text-- class code output by 50% across all classes (size, color, etc.)
    • Refactored Accessibility Related Code

      This mainly consists of back-end refactoring and organization for better maintainability and scalability.

    • Focus Parent Class No Longer Requires Modifier

      When applying the “focus parent” technique to parent elements, you previously had to use a modifier class (.focus-parent--shadow or .focus-parent--outline). This is no longer required. You can now apply the class .focus-parent and ACSS will automatically apply either shadow or outline based on your global preferences.

      Note: You can still use the modifier version if you need the style to be different from your global preference. Learn more about Focus Parent.

    • Focus Color Utilities Now Work With Focus Parent

      .focus-- classes now have the ability to change the focus color when paired with .focus-parent classes.

      Learn more about Focus Parent.

    • Minor Update to hidden-accessible

      We’ve replaced the deprecated “clip” property with “clip-path.”

    • Various efficiency improvements for Oxygen

      We’ve reduced the overall code output for Oxygen and removed some overrides that are no longer necessary.

    • Contextual Color Handling on Deactivation

      • Contextual color variables are now removed from the stylesheet when contextual colors are deactivated
      • Contextual color partials are now removed from the stylesheet when contextual colors are deactivated
    • Form Compatibility Fixes

      • Fix for unwanted inline padding
      • Fix label position when using country flag in phone field (WS Form)
      • Fix missing opacity value on inside-label-position (WS Form)
      • Fix checkbox skipped with tab navigation (Bricks)
      • Fix  for the “null” value on focus drop-shadow
    • Plugin updates always trigger stylesheet regeneration

      Previously, upon updating ACSS, we only triggered the regeneration of the stylesheets if any of the settings had changed value. That would happen with major updates, that introduced or removed settings, but would otherwise miss. We now always regenerate the stylesheets so, even if no settings have changed, your stylesheets have been refreshed with the latest version of the framework.

  • August 22, 2023


    This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.

  • August 11, 2023


    This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.

    • Clickable parent now works on button elements

      Sometimes a clickable card isn’t just for navigation – it could be used to fire a modal or other on-page events. In this case, you need to use a button instead of a link. Clickable parent did not previously work on button elements, but now it does.

    • Duplicate panes in context menus

      Some items were listed twice in the context menus. The duplicates have been removed.

    • Context menu doesn't open on color droplet in gradient/overlay

      When working in a gradient panel in Bricks, the contextual panel wouldn’t open. This is now resolved.

    • Fluent Forms Fixes

      • International phone field margin

      • Section breaks don’t get styled

    • Button styling lost when Generate Free version active

      ACSS uses logic to ensure that button styling doesn’t get loaded multiple times for each active builder/block system (unless specific overrides are needed). This logic worked seamlessly with Generate Pro, but was breaking when the free version of Generate was used, resulting in a loss of button styling. This is now fixed.

    • Gutenberg title and paragraph widths

      Improvements to standardize how the editor displays the post title and default paragraphs.

    • Permission issue in the packaged zip file on MacOS

      This wasn’t replicable 100% of the time, but it’s been resolved now.

    • Automatic content spacing no longer breaks Bricks shape dividers

      Shape dividers are physical divs and were being affected by automatic content spacing. We’ve made sure to exclude shape dividers from the spacing rules.

    • Exclude navigation from auto text balancing

      Auto text balancing doesn’t look so great in navigations. While you could override it easily, it’s best to just exclude navs in general, which we’ve done.

    • Fixes for fluid-text, fluid-padding, fluid-section mixins

      A little bit of tidying up on these mixins.